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Właśnie przed chwilą wstawiłem nową wersję na stronę. Została dodatkowo zrównoważona, nieco zmieniono statystyki Akladyjcyzków : większa odporność na ogien (żeby nie dało się ich wyrzynać Naffatami).
Lista zmian w stosunku do pierwszej alpha:

* removed portraits for Roe and mages; they were anyway the same as in the mainline
* slightly modified Akladian stats: since they now face Khalifa and not Aragwaithi, I raised their fire resistance. Without it, the Hired Swords is a piece of cake and Siege of Haeltin is a walkover, while they SHOULD BE HARD. Not to mention witout this there was no real incentive to player to recall Akladians.
* some maps were slightly changed
* Synchronise RISE_UP macro with TRoW, since previous version caused that raised undead units were lost on save
* Elvish units Milildur and Elorain were supposed to become loyal after 5 recalls, but they weren't. FIXED.
* incorporated suggestions from TODO file: removing Dark Spirit, Henchman, replacing Human Ranger by Ranger, Saurian Tribalist by Saurian Augur, Icecaster by Oracle.
* added ADVICES.txt, LICENSE.important.txt, ART_authors.txt, modified README.txt with some background informations and suggestions
* Slight touches to the story, to make easier connection to the sequel, if it ever be created
* In Siege of Barnon one Khalifate unit should now become loyal, as it supposed to be. Previously the message was shown, but no unit actually became loyal, FIXED.
* Khalifate units added to add-on, because they were removed from the mainline
in wesnoth 1.9.10
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